Thursday, August 05, 2004

I have to give GW this much when it comes to his "official" endorsement of a new national intelligence chief -- yet one without teeth: would have no control over budget, no White House office, no power over personnel and no authority over intelligence operations.

In 2000, Bush made promises only to go back on many of them. He had no problem doing that. Now he faces a second -- and final -- term. Why doesn't he just go along with the 9-11 commission recommendation and state that he will grant this national intelligence czar maximum power (budget control, White House office, etc.)? Then if he wins, he can just negate much of what he promised -- again, like he's done before. Despite what he wants Americans to believe, the last thing this guy does is stand by his promises (although he did promise tax breaks for the rich, and delivered).

And this time around, when he goes back on his promises, what are people going to do? He can't run again (which just further brings up an extremely frightening scenario: a second, and final, term of a president that's been willing to go to extremes and now will have no restraint in the form of voters -- buckle up!).

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