Friday, June 30, 2006

  • Let's call it what it is: this is a long overdue, back-of-the-hand bitch slap from the Supreme Court to Bush/Cheney.

  • Glad to see religious folks are beginning to see the light (truth).

  • Excellent point by Bruce Reed in Slate: "The great irony of the explosion in earmarks is that House members are working so much harder to secure pork for their districts at the same time that redistricting has made it nearly impossible for those members to lose, whether or not they deliver the goods."

  • Could this be the reason in the last few years more people have needlessly died from pharma drug incidents....?

  • Regarding the Supreme Court agreeing to rule on carbon dioxide (pollutant or not?), a reminder that in 1999 Bush called CO2 "one of four main pollutants" (of course, he'll deny saying it today) and the EPA's web site describes CO2 as "Industrial Air Pollution". The case looks pretty solid.

  • Conservative pollster Frank Luntz (finally) converts regarding global warming. Soon the denial side will be left with just Bush, Cheney, Michael Crichton, and several paid-for-by-energy-interests fringe scientists.

  • Great, true stuff from Alan Wolfe:
    Conservatives fail because those who hate government cannot run it very well – the theme of my recent article in the July/August issue of The Washington Monthly. But then there is also what can be called conservative management theory. Conservatives have strong ideas about how organizations ought to be run – and those ideas invariably make them run badly.
    Finally, conservatives view organizations in exactly the opposite way they treat markets. The economy, they insist, works most efficiently when spontaneous decisions emerge from the uncoordinated actions of millions of anonymous consumers. But when they run organizations, they insist on formal organization charts, aim to leave nothing to chance, and treat all decisions as authoritative. Their theory of the private sector is borrowed from Adam Smith. Their approach to the public sector owes far too much to state socialism.
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