Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Media Matters recently challenged the WSJ's James Taranto to provide proof of a liberal bias in the media, responding to his much-stated accusation. He has yet to respond.

In the meantime, he continues to offer up the red herring in his columns. This in today's:
Here's a nice, clear-cut case of liberal bias, from an Associated Press report about a speech by Vice President Cheney:

Cheney defended the NSA's domestic eavesdropping program, which the administration calls its "terrorist surveillance program" as important in the war on terror, while conceding it was controversial.

Why not say:

Cheney defended the NSA's terrorist surveillance program, which the administration's opponents call its "domestic eavesdropping program," as important in the war on terror, while conceding it was controversial.

Given that no one has seriously claimed the NSA is eavesdropping on domestic as opposed to international calls, this would be more accurate.
Just more proof that Taranto is out of touch with reality. USA Today recently reported a pretty huge story that stated: "Domestic call records — those of calls that originate and terminate within U.S. borders — were believed to be private. Sources, however, say that is not the case. With access to records of billions of domestic calls, the NSA has gained a secret window into the communications habits of millions of Americans."

Of course, we can't get to the bottom of this scandal because the administration (esp. Cheney) is standing in the way of fact-finding investigations. But that won't stop Taranto from printing untrue, mindless drivel.

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