Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who knew that anyone in this administration was capable of reason?
On one side, according to people familiar with the deliberations, is a powerful group of pragmatists, including Henry M. Paulson Jr., the treasury secretary; Joshua B. Bolten, the White House chief of staff; and Ed Gillespie, counselor to Mr. Bush. They argue that the need for a stimulus is urgent, but have expressed concern that the administration may have to scale back its ambitions for permanent tax cuts to get a package through Congress.
But then of course we have what we're more accustomed to:
On the other side, these people say, are staunch economic conservatives like Keith B. Hennessey, the new director of Mr. Bush’s National Economic Council. They have reservations about the need for an economic rescue package and maintain that if the White House proposes one, it should use the plan as leverage to press lawmakers into making the tax cuts permanent.
That's it, use any stimulus plan targeted at the middle class as blackmail against the Dems, attempting to force them to make the tax cuts for the rich made permanent. It's always about the wealthy -- even when it's about the middle class.

Most economists agree when faced with a recession, fiscal stimulus directed at the non-affluent is an effective cure and it should be temporary. Most economists do not recommend actions should be for the rich and in a permanent way.

But it looks like the filthy blackmail tactic will rule the day....

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