Wednesday, October 05, 2011

  • Buffett takes on Murdoch -- clash of the titans!

  • Surprise! Lobbyists "infiltrate" debt super committee.

  • The difference between Social Security and a Ponzi scheme.

  • Reagan increasingly looks better (more moderate) in relative terms than the GOP kooks of today (who would most likely cast him out as too liberal).

  • "Koch Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Secret Iran Sales." Imagine if Soros did this....

  • As the planet warms, forests die, and as they die = less trees to absorb CO2 and pollutants, and with less trees to absorb CO2 and pollutants, planet warms even more -- repeat.

  • Clarence Thomas must go. If he can't figure out how to complete a form, what does that say about him ruling on some of the most complex and important issues that face this nation?

  • Remember when Mr. Tea Party, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), was going to shake up Washington, change how it's done down in DC....?? Yeah, right. More BS eaten up by naive supporters.

  • "Every day, more than 100 million cubic feet of natural gas is flared this way — enough energy to heat half a million homes for a day. The flared gas also spews at least two million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year, as much as 384,000 cars or a medium-size coal-fired power plant would emit, alarming some environmentalists."

  • Bloomberg: continued high unemployment could lead to expanded rioting.

  • "Congress spent over $120 billion to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell them it’s time to rebuild America."

  • How many investigations on Solyndra, four? And amounting to $500 million, it's the only failure of close to $40 billion invested in green energy, or about 1% of funds. What an outrage. Meanwhile, how many investigations were assigned to the $18 billion in cash missing in Iraq under GW's reign??
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