Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I happened to watch the Republican debate tonight. It was like getting a broken nose reset.

The verdict was clear: Romney won easily, Perry lost badly. And forget about the rest, they're inconsequential.

RP needed to hit this one out of the park to have even a remote chance of climbing back into the race -- not going to happen. His wife can stop bitching about the way her hubby is being treated, he's toast.

Let it be said one more time that the only reason Romney has been winning these debates is because his competition is hapless and inferior. He's winning due to relative superiority.

Wait until he's up against Obama, one on one. It will be a stark contrast compared to this cast of kooks and yokels.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I happened to read your stupid post...it was like having a broken record reset (because you posted it THREE times, moron).

    Yeah, Obama, the master debater...ummmm...uh....hope and...uh....ohhhhhh...hope...and...uhhhhhh...change....uhhhh...breathalyzer...no...no...not a...uh...breahtalyzer...a respirator...um...ok...ok...I haven't had much sleep (and this is the first time I've had to speak about anything that wasn't "enchanting")...uhhhhh...hope and...ummmm....change.
