Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's not all bad

At a time when Obama's poll numbers are at all-time lows, it's good to be reminded of the many positive things he's been able to achieve that don't get the attention they deserve.
The larger point is that overall, as an independent review by Republican Senator John McCain’s finance chairman confirmed, the Energy Department’s $40 billion loan portfolio is performing well. It’s also transforming the energy landscape with America’s largest wind farm, a half-dozen of the world’s largest solar plants, cellulosic biofuel refineries and much more. Obama didn’t support one company or one technology; he supported all kinds of plausible alternatives to fossil fuels. He didn’t pick winners and losers; he picked the game of cleaner energy. And we’re winning. The U.S. has doubled its production of renewable power. Our carbon emissions are at their lowest levels since the early 1990s. And after decades when the U.S. invented products like solar panels and lithium–ion batteries only to see them manufactured and deployed abroad, we’re finally making green stuff at home. For example, not only are we generating twice as much wind power, we’re making twice as many of the components for U.S. wind turbines. -- Michael Grunwald, Time


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    This President is a traitor, liar and commits crimes against humanity and uses the Constitution as toilet paper. He tells us that his spying program is transparent, he attacks Pakistan hundreds of time, as well as other nations, killing innocents and not so innocent-who can ever know. Still, i believe the evidence is there to try, convict and execute the traitor. he gets no pass just because he can actually act intelligent. he gets no pass because he did a few good things. he is evil.

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