Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I have a question: why is it Mike Malloy remains without a radio show / employer? I happened to discover Mike streaming on the internet about three weeks prior to the cancellation of his show. During those three weeks, I was impressed by the breadth of Mike's knowledge on the issues, but even more so I found his overt conviction & passion extremely refreshing. Yes, at times he appeared to go over the top, which may be why Air America has hesitated to hire him for a weekend slot, or even 11pm-2am weekdays. He may have to tone down the "Bush crime family" language. However, isn't one of the main reasons for Air America's existence is to go head-to-head, toe-to-toe with the Limbaughs and Hannitys of the air waves? To provide an alternative to the bland, NPR-like liberal radio that was currently available? If so, then Mike is your guy. As fired up as he could get at times (which became extremely effective & infectious), I never once recall Mike stooping to irresponsible levels -- which right wing radio makes a daily habit of doing. He never made outlandish statements simply to shock or provoke, but rather his main goal matched mine: to provide the truth and incite those who didn't believe it. This motto rubs diametrically opposite to what this administration hopes to achieve: run from the truth, offer deception, and hope most people just buy into it, too lazy to look further....

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