Monday, April 26, 2004

A terrific piece by John Rosenthal, neatly summarizing all that's gone wrong with the Iraq situation. It's eye-opening to read such laundry-list-type articles, with the progression of inexcusable mistakes and questionable motives serving to make one's head spin and blood boil. Rosenthal points out the refusal of hawks to consider new facts as they become known and to constantly dodge & weave with regards to why we went to war in the first place:

".... the Iraq war was never sold to the American people on humanitarian grounds. This is merely the latest attempt to revise the argument whenever the previously stated justification for war bumps against the truth. Instead of reconsidering their position in light of new facts, the hawks simply dig in their heels and raise their voices."

One could make the case that there's nothing more dangerous to our soldiers than military decision makers who utterly refuse to acknowledge new facts.

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