Friday, May 21, 2004

Kerry: pick the low-hanging fruit!

Kerry campaigned in Oregon this past week and he chose to not point out Bush's colossal failings when it comes to the environment and energy conservation. From today's Portland Tribune:

During a campaign stop this week, though, Kerry didn’t touch on such state issues as forest practices, water use and energy. His references to Oregon came in the context of the broader national themes he stressed during his appearances: jobs, health care, education and the war in Iraq.

In response to a question, he said that he has considered President Bush’s new policies on counting Northwest salmon but that any discussion of the issue “will have to wait for another time.”

“I never saw the connection to Portland, to Oregon or to the Northwest,” said Russell Dondero, professor of political science at Pacific University. “It was an opportunity for him to connect local themes to his national themes. There was no mention of timber, the environment, the energy crisis or the economics of oil. He missed an opportunity there.”

I'll never understand why Democrats refuse to make the environment more of a centerpiece in their campaign strategies. I realize some may consider it too "soft" an issue and that it does not garner the impact of say talking about jobs or taxes. However, polls consistently show that Americans overwhelmingly favor a pro-environment stance, with the approval numbers I've seen always over 70%. It's my feeling that many Americans still have no idea just how anti-environmental Bush has been, with many informed sources ranking him the worst President in history in this regard. Kerry should not just be talking about this topic every chance he gets, but he should be specifically offering up one example after another on the long list of outrageous acts this administration has taken to undermine environmental protection. He should work it into his stump speeches since repetition is the only thing that seems to work with John Q. Public.

This issue is simply easy pickings thanks to this president and Kerry should take full advantage.

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