Saturday, May 29, 2004

Some quickies....

Anna Quindlen's terrific Newsweek article reminds me why my wife & I left the Catholic church years ago, and have never had any regrets -- at all. Such intolerance, hypocrisy, and selective hate will surely shrink the size of this religion in the decades to come.

I highly recommend going to C-SPAN's web site to watch the video stream of Al Gore's dead-on NYU/ speech, as he slams Bush more forthrightly than any public figure to date. No, Gore hasn't transformed himself into a Clintonian speaker, remaining somewhat wooden, but it doesn't matter as the truth and force of his words are what carry the event.

Finally, each week I try to make a point to listen to Guy James' radio show, which airs every Saturday but is also archived online. Guy offers up three hours of interesting liberal programming, always mentioning at least a few items I had not heard of before. My favorite part of the show is when Guy seemingly out of nowhere suddenly erupts into a well-reasoned, passionate rant, lashing out at Bush and the right-wing lunatic fringe. He as well as Mike Malloy belong on Air America Radio.

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