Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Although a few days old, a great piece by Peter Dizikes on Salon.com concerning Ralph Nader, looking into the claim that Ralph will suck more votes away from Bush than Kerry. Yeah, I know, absurd. Read the article and you'll find this near-laughable assertion by the Nader campaign to be highly suspect at best. In his attempts to discover the truth, Dizikes writes, "What I did not find, however, was a single supporter of Ralph Nader who voted for George W. Bush in 2000, or who had been planning to support Bush this year before Nader entered the race." In addition, he cites where there's been suspicion that the GOP has been financially supporting Nader's efforts to get on state voting ballots.

It's been said before but Nader's perplexing choices over the last several years will certainly cast a strange, dark cloud over his otherwise notable legacy. For shame.

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