Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Bush & Co. have made the case on more than one occasion that the world changed after 9-11. If that is indeed the case and they wanted us to truly believe this assertion, don’t you think at the very least Bush himself should have made changes to how a sitting president operates under such changed conditions? In other words, wouldn’t it have been smart for him to spend less time on his ranch, or vacationing in general, if everything did indeed change? An intelligent person would’ve at least put up the appearance he was hard at work, hunkered down to help his nation, by spending most of his time in Washington, at work. Instead, this idiot spends more time than any president in recent history vacationing.

Once again, this administration says things they don’t really mean in hopes that most of the ignorant public will just buy into it. Again, it’s not as if this slacker president suddenly has to actually appear as if he cares via performing hard work, but rather he doesn’t even put up the appearance, choosing instead to offer sound bites from his nature trail, golf courses, etc.

To be a part of this guy’s base, who will vote for him no matter what, is to simply be a blithering idiot.

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