Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Is this regarded as establishing law & order?

In today's Washington Post:

Over the past year and a half, the Army has opened investigations into at least 91 cases of possible misconduct by U.S. soldiers against detainees and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, a total not previously reported and one that points to a broader range of wrongful behavior than defense officials have acknowledged.

The figure, provided by a senior Army official, extends beyond the much-publicized abuse of detainees in military-run prisons to include the mistreatment of dozens of Iraqis in U.S. custody outside detention centers. It covers not only cases that resulted in death but also those that involved nonlethal assaults. It also includes as many as 18 instances of U.S. soldiers in Iraq allegedly stealing money, jewelry or other property.

Death? Assault? Stealing?? What is going on over there?

To a point it's another example of what can happen when those in positions of leadership put out a message, it's heeded & acted upon, and then said leaders are surprised at the end result(s). In 1991, Bush Sr. encouraged Iraqis to "take matters into their own hands to force Saddam Hussein, the dictator, to step aside," and then he did nothing to help the Iraqis in their uprising. Compare this to Rumsfeld's public statements about how the Geneva conventions would not apply to Iraq -- and then the resulting prison abuse violations.

Just more proof of the reckless irresponsibility & incompetence of this administration.

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