Sunday, June 13, 2004

Oh, by the way, in case you missed it, NATO will not be providing troop assistance in Iraq. Surprise! Bush & Co. decide to cowboy-it, snub their noses at the world, and then when the going gets tough and they come a calling, is it any wonder that the world answers back, "take a hike!"....? And for those dopes out there who had originally responded to this arrogant posture with "what do we care what France et all think?" at this point why don't you pose that question to the weary U.S. troops that are long overdue to be relieved of their duties and come home.

The Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/neocon choice to go it alone concerning this war has effectively screwed up troop management, and in doing so has endangered their lives as stretched-thin, tired troops do not function nearly as well under difficult circumstances. The idiot-reaction is to be angry at NATO today, but in truth it's Bush & Co. that should receive the blame. They made our bed....

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