Monday, June 21, 2004

Yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer had editorial page editor Chris Satullo writing about Clinton appearing on 60 Minutes. I must say that what he ends up discussing in the column I said the exact same thing to my wife many years ago. During the initial stages of the Clinton/Lewinsky mess, I remember being on a skiing vacation and during one evening telling my wife pointblank that if in fact Clinton did do something sexual with Monica and he's lying about it, he should just resign and make way for Gore, allowing him to establish himself a full two years before the 2000 election. My thought was lameduck Clinton at that point should've thought of his party (and country) first and himself second.

As much as I believe Clinton to be light years better than the current boob in office, Bill recklessly threw away what could've been a glistening legacy (now, forever to be tarnished). In the process, he ended up greatly compromising Gore's run at the office because 1) voters could not help but associate Gore with Lewinsky -- oops, Clinton, 2) Gore was afraid to mention all the good things about the Clinton years, 3) it gave ammo to the Republicans to use against Gore in 2000 (recall Bush repeating often, "I will return honor to the office," etc. etc.).

Here's a segment from the column:

Happy with how it all turned out? Face it: Clinton's refusal to do the right thing, more than any other factor, elected George W. Bush.

More than Al Gore's bumbling, Ralph Nader's toxic ego, Katherine Harris' machinations, William Rehnquist's hideous ruling.

Alternative history is a shaky exercise. But think on it: Clinton resigns. Gore becomes president. A popular wave of remorse turns into revulsion against the philandering hypocrites of the GOP caucus. Even more are swept out of office in the '98 midterms.

Gore gets two years to become as comfortable in the seat of power as such an awkward man could. In 2000, he runs as President Gore, so Bill Bradley doesn't run. No primary wounds.

Under this scenario, do you doubt Gore could have won the one measly state, perhaps his home state of Tennessee, he needed to keep W. away from the red phone?

Would Bush even have run? Against an incumbent, in peace and prosperity, unable to harp on restoring "honor and dignity" to the White House?

So, again, I ask those who backed Clinton until the last dog died: Happy with how it turned out?

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