Thursday, July 08, 2004

Another idiotic one-liner tossed off by our leader. When asked to compare John Edwards with VP Dick Cheney, Bush bluntly declared, "Dick Cheney could be president. Next?"

Leaving aside the fact that Edwards is likely more qualified to be president today than Bush was in 2000 (extremely successful lawyer & U.S. Senator, versus a failure at running several businesses & Gov. of Texas), I for one wish to thank Bush for reminding the American public that the possibility of a Cheney presidency could in fact come true. I think it’s clear that imagining Cheney in the Oval Office elicits a much different response now compared to four years ago. Yes, many may say they don’t have to imagine it – by all accounts, he’s been running the country for years now. But that just further makes my point about how frightening it would be if it were made official.

Given the many failures this administration has presided over, responsibility for a large portion of them must tie back to Cheney. Policy-wise, he’s perhaps the most powerful VP in recent memory. He’s been able to apply his stamp of influence on nearly everything that’s come from the executive office. In the meantime, he carries around a sack of liability-baggage the size of Rhode Island, whether it be Halliburton conflicts, credibility issues (e.g. he continues to claim Saddam was linked to 9/11 & Al-Qaeda), Scalia cronyism, and perhaps forgotten, he has suffered from severe health issues in the past (heart).

Yes GW, Cheney could be president – just another reason to vote Kerry/Edwards!

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