Thursday, July 15, 2004

At the risk of subjecting myself to head injury, the other day I spent about eight minutes listening to Sean Hannity’s radio program. (You need to know what the other side is saying; at the very least, it reconfirms you’re right, they’re wrong). He had on Newt Gingrich (as my luck would have it) and they were discussing the Kerry/Edwards ticket. They spent the entire time simply labeling the pairing – not discussing anything with regards to specific issues. And of course what was the label they must’ve said at least twenty times in the eight minutes: liberal.

Yes, that’s right, they’re attempting to appeal to their people via the old left-wing, “pinko,” “commie” liberal stuff. Here you have it, a peek at the RNC talking points regarding the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Label, label, label. Newt proclaims that this is the most liberal ticket since McGovern in ’72. That’s it, no talk of where Kerry stands vs. Bush. He feels it’s enough to simply throw around labels the entire time, that he doesn’t need to appeal to any part of the intellectual side of Hannity’s listeners. Say “liberal” and they will follow. How the folks listening don’t feel insulted is beyond me.

Newt goes on to say that he doesn’t understand how Kerry can come out personally stating he believes life begins at conception, but yet then will vote for a woman’s right to choose. What Newt fails to understand is consistency is not the issue here when you’re a politician running for president, who will then be expected to represent and protect the rights and freedoms of all citizens, irregardless of one’s own personal beliefs. Once again, Newt & Co. want small government when it comes to taxes, regulations, the environment, etc., yet they want huge, monolithic size government when it comes to social issues such as same-sex marriage, right to choose, etc.

Kerry simply believes that Constitutional law should not necessarily stem from his personal belief(s). Just because Kerry is Catholic does not mean he should vote down the line pro-Catholic. What if the president were Joe Lieberman? I could just hear Newt & Hannity sounding off if Lieberman were to then try to legislate in a pro-Jewish fashion (cancel Christmas anyone?).

We live in a democracy, not an aristocracy or theocracy. The Founding Fathers established a form of government to get away from laws based on the whims of a king. Gingrich and the like would like us to return to such a system – as long as the king was a Republican!

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