Sunday, July 11, 2004

Call me excessively cynical (or some would resort to "unpatriotic" or "pinko commie!"), but this Newsweek story about potentially postponing the November election due to an impending terrorist threat strikes as me as all too peculiar and convenient. Why do I get the feeling that if Bush held a commanding lead in the polls, such well-publicized terrorist alerts would be kept subdued, on the back burner....? Yet, as it is, with his anemic poll numbers, what better than to loudly & frequently play up that which would help any incumbent: fear and patriotism. Get used to Ashcroft, Ridge, et al, blaring the alarms about threats as we approach November -- unless of course Bush decisively pulls ahead in the polls. Then you'll likely hear just a smattering of mild warnings.

As I mentioned here many weeks ago, and has since been mentioned in Fahrenheit 9/11, this administration will play the terrorist threat like notes on a flute, making sure the public stays afraid, inflating their fears, but allowing for ups & downs in that regard. The "October Surprise" could end up being a postponing of the election, allowing time for the public to realize & soak in the enormity of the threat and then patriotically (subconsciously?) flock to the side of their leader, enabling Bush/Cheney to undoubtedly capture a surging lead in the polls, and then presto -- an election is promptly held.

Don't laugh. With these guys in power, anything and everything is possible.

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