Thursday, July 01, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

One thing you quickly realize while watching the movie is that “Junior” Bush has been a failure at most everything in life. If it weren’t for his father and/or influential family friends, you have to wonder where a guy like this would’ve ended up. The fact that he lands in the White House, leading the most powerful nation in history, is beyond astonishing.

In that vein, I couldn’t help but think that this film will serve as a wonderful, and sad, time-capsule item that will forever remind us of the fool that once led this country. It will only age like a fine, expensive wine, with its central themes growing ever more clear and evident with each passing year. Future generations will shake their heads in disbelief after viewing this film, befuddled as to how it could ever have happened. Also, if in fact this country begins a slow, gradual slide down in global importance, I believe this administration will have marked the beginning of the descent.

In prior films, Michael Moore has used a heavier hand with regards to editing to drive home his points. In this film, I sensed very little of that, if any at all. And he didn’t have to do much in that regard! All of the evidence (mainly footage) is right there, thanks to GW himself. It’s naked, free from creative manipulation, which makes it that much more frightening.

Howard Stern has described it as a monster or horror movie. He’s right. You leave the cinema shaken, in disbelief at what you just witnessed. GW & Co. manhandled their way into power and have proceeded to manhandle their way through this country and our lives – like Godzilla stomping across Tokyo.

Anyone who sees this movie and then votes for Bush/Cheney needs to truly have their head examined.

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