Friday, July 16, 2004

Sewer Nation
Once again, I had some spare time in the car and, deciding to subject my brain to more trauma, I tuned into Michael Savage’s “The Savage Nation” radio program.  I never listened before and figured I’d give him about ten minutes.
All I can say is “O-H M-Y G-O-D.”  How any right-wing person with at least one brain cell in their head can listen to this guy, and take him seriously no less, is completely beyond me!
For starters, he brings up the defeat of the same-sex marriage proposal in Congress and expounds upon how such a minority (gays, or as he refers to them “deviants”) has taken our government hostage, and why should 2-3% of the population be considered at all to the degree that they have.  He feels, at least in this instance, the majority should win out.  Again, like I wrote yesterday regarding Gingrich, he feels our form of democracy equates into the majority = 100% rule, with little if any consideration for the minority.  These so-called conservatives like to bring up the Founding Fathers often, yet they fail to recognize that most of these old timers if alive today would likely be liberals!  This country was founded on the ideals of folks escaping the tyrannical rule in England, where the majority -- the king -- ruled on everything and all subjects would have to oblige.  Does the fact that the U.S. has more Christians than any other religion (majority) mean that all laws passed should be Christian-like?
Then he moves on to talk about the movie, “This Boy’s Life,” starring Robert DeNiro who plays a father who emotionally, verbally, and physically abuses his son, played by Leonardo DiCaprio.  Although he states the movie was not good, he goes on to endorse the father figure role of DeNiro saying this is how it was in the good old days of the '50s, where fathers taught their sons how not to be "sissies," implying also that such abuse kept them from becoming homosexual.  He compares this to today where we have fathers who as he puts it are "progressive," chiding that dads today just want to be your buddy, your friend -- as if that's just awful.  Where do you start with this stuff?  What's most frightening is to think that Savage has listeners who take what he's saying seriously!
Finally, he refers to his PhD (never stating he received it as an ethnobotanist, or alternative nutrition, instead implying it's in psychology), mentioning that when he studied primitive African tribes (?), you often saw rituals where sons would have to fight one another with sticks and whichever one cried would be shunned and not regarded as a man.  Savage endorses this aboriginal act as a good thing, again relating it to the good old days of the 1950s. 
Can you imagine a society, or nation, built on the so-called "values" of this sick man?  And this is just based on my ten minutes of listening!  What vitriolic, idiotic, hate-filled rants could he be communicating for hours each day?! 
This guy is the classic definition of "shock jock," not Howard Stern.  Compared to this garbage, Stern sounds like an innocent virgin.  Perhaps we can assume that Savage literally just throws on the air the most provocative B.S. he can think of, knowing his audience just eats it up. Then you have to question the make-up of his audience, and ultimately condemn them.  Without his listeners, there would be no Savage Nation.
P.S. He wants us to believe that the "extreme" homosexual community forced the hand of Congress to bring up this motion concerning same-sex marriage.  Um, last time I looked Congress was controlled by the Republicans, and there has been many a time that Dems have said that bills they'd like to see make it to a vote never see the light of day.  The only reason this same-sex bill made the rounds is because the Republicans wanted it to -- it had nothing to do with them giving in to the pressure of gays.  Republicans want to excite their base, or more specifically distract them, to keep their minds off all the other things going wrong for GW.  It's a bait & switch tactic.  Just tune into O'Reilly any night of the week and you'll hear him blaring about porn, gays, etc., all polarizing social topics because he can't talk about anything else because all other topics are bad for the Republicans.
Anyone who believes the gay community forced Congress to bring up this proposal is a fool and deserves a like-minded fool like Savage.   

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