Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I recently traded emails with a friend who is a big-time Nader supporter. She made the well-worn case for Nader (much of it we heard in 2000) and I thought I’d print my reply to her:

You make great points and like I said I'm sympathetic to your cause, but we apparently just differ on our opinion of what 4 more years of Bush & Co. will mean for this country. I can't stand to fathom what these crooks will do with 4 years & no re-election pressures to serve as some kind of restraint. By definition, you feel that if the country has to hit rock bottom before it can get cured that the assumption is the country will still at least be more or less the country we once knew. That may not be the case. You may describe yourself as a "radical liberal," well these lunatics running the country are ultra-ultra radical right-wing nutjobs and that said, the damage they may inflict on the country over the next 4 years may be irreversible. It's a bit too trite to use the "things need to get worse before they get better" axiom because to a point such a stance does not offer a sense of caring about the country. Again, I realize Ralph's intention, but I find it hard to believe he can't in some way wield significant influence WITHIN the Dem party, where he'd then be able to initiate change AND get it to have some real influence. As an example, think about the Supreme Court: what is Ralph's answer to at least 2 if not 3 justices on the Court who are just waiting for Bush to win so they can retire, and Bush would then install radical right-wing judges, who would serve for life. This majority radical right wing Supreme Court would in time change this country for generations to come.... And how much more do you think our environment can withstand if Bush were allowed to continue his backhanded dismantling of ALL environmental laws and regulations.....? Again, once the environment is harmed, or forests cleared, or regulations banished, it will be VERY difficult to have it bounce back -- THAT'S naive thinking.....

But hey, you stick with your boy Ralph.... I at least know that I did something credible to stop this madness.....

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