Monday, September 20, 2004

In an effort to combat Bush's actions to reverse 30+ years of environmental progress, states are being forced to legislate and fight back to protect their residents. And taxpayers have to foot the bill (on both ends) as states go to court versus the federal government. Just pathetic.

New Jersey is an example:

NEW YORK, NY (September 16, 2004) - The State of New Jersey today announced it will use state air pollution laws to limit emissions of heat-trapping emissions that cause global warming. Adding considerable weight to a growing trend of state-based climate protection in the face of federal inaction, Governor James E. McGreevey officially designated carbon dioxide as an air pollutant. The decision paves the way for New Jersey to join a northeast regional plan to cut global warming pollution.

In the absence of any federal action on global warming, states have taken the lead on fighting global warming. There are currently regional programs to cut global warming pollution on both coasts, with more than a dozen states participating. For instance, California is expected to adopt global warming emissions standards for vehicles next week.

"Governor McGreevey and New Jersey deserve great credit for their actions today," said John Adams, President of NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), the New York-based environmental group. "They are taking responsible action to protect their residents' health, New Jersey's economy and the environment. Compare that to the Bush administration and others beholden to the oil and coal industries, who continue to avoid any responsible action to fix the problem."

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