Sunday, November 21, 2004

Rogue Congress?

There's something very strange about this defeated intel bill, but then again it could possibly signify further proof of the impending GOP implosion.

Are we to believe that Bush, AND Cheney AND Hastert were defied? By some no-names, no less? Sorry, too much to be believable. And in all the news stories, DeLay is nowhere to be mentioned.

Why do I get the feeling that in reality-based world, Bush/Cheney/Hastert likewise did not wish for this bill to pass. Yet, they'll be able to claim that they did all they could -- but alas to no avail. In the end, the higher-ups have cover and the special interests (defense/Pentagon) get what they want.

Then again, if we imagine that GW/Cheney/Hastert truly were as embarrassed as its being reported, then it could be construed as further cracks in the otherwise unified GOP front. More and more fissures are appearing. As the NY Times reports, Dems can gain from this as it shows "House Republicans killed a bill that had widespread, bipartisan support and that would have allowed the government to protect the public better against terrorist threats." Those moderate Republicans that seek reelection next November may not appreciate this hurdle they'll have to now overcome. The Times bluntly states it reflects "a sharp split between Republicans in the House and Senate."

Another very revealing item being reported: Hastert wanted to avoid passage of a bill that relied excessively on Dem support. We know that the House is not enormously tilted to one side, so are we expected for the next four years to ONLY see things passed that rely mainly on the GOP-majority? That if the proportion of Dems supporting a bill is not to Denny's (DeLay's) liking, than it stands a good chance of getting defeated? If so, then the power has truly gone to their heads and increases the odds of a future implosion.

Oh, by the way, the EPA's budget was slashed again -- what else is new? Some things don't change.

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