Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So GW's attempts at creating massive fear in the public concerning Social Security appears to be a bust. Only 35% approve of the way he's handling the issue. I can just see Karl Rove scratching his head, wondering what went wrong. The create-panic-and-fear thing has worked like a charm for so long -- hmm, it's a puzzle.... Could it be that John Q. is finally wising up to being played for a fool?

Other interesting tid-bits from this poll:
Do you think leaders of other countries around the world have respect for George W. Bush, or do you think they don't have much respect for him?

Respect him 38%
Don’t have much respect 57%

Just your best guess, how much longer do you think the US will have a significant number of troops in Iraq?

Less than a year 4%
One-two years 29%
Three-five years 42%

How much longer do you think the US should have a significant number of troops in Iraq?

Less than a year 44%
One-two years 31%
Three-five years 13%

If the U.S. government decides to take military action in the following countries, would you favor or oppose it?

Iran: Favor 28%, Oppose 66%
Syria: Favor 26%, Oppose 65%
North Korea: Favor 32%, Oppose 62%

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