Monday, May 02, 2005

And still more evidence of that liberal media bias:
Wolf Blitzer, introduced the two men [Robert Novak and Paul Begala] as “both good Catholics,” before adding, “I’m sure Bob is a good Catholic, I’m not sure about Paul Begala.” That didn’t sit well with Begala.... -- TNR, 4/25/05
Bob Novak, a good Catholic? A good person??
The Democrats are leaderless and reeling, seemingly bereft of inspiring ideas. -- Howard Fineman, Newsweek
Oh, and supposedly Laura Bush killed'em at the Correspondents' dinner. Her best (and most revealing) quip, "George's answer to any problem at the ranch is to cut it down with a chainsaw — which I think is why he and Cheney and Rumsfeld get along so well." Squirm, shift, wince.

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