Friday, May 06, 2005

Recall that in response to DeLay's trips paid for by lobbyists (illegal), the wingnuts in a state of panic came out in full force to smear any high-ranking Dem (as opposed to defending their man Tom). Target: Nancy Pelosi. The New Republic writes this week:
"Everybody does it." That’s the emerging line among conservatives striving to make House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s career-threatening junkets seem like no big deal.
Take the conservatives’ attempt to draw equivalence between DeLay’s overseas junkets and a 2001 trip House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi took to Puerto Rico.
Pelosi, according to a spokesperson, took a 48-hour trip to tour the U.S. Navy’s bombing range on the island of Vieques. No lobbyist paid for it.
Not that DeLay’s apologists have let this deter them. American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene told NPR on Monday that “Nancy Pelosi took a trip to Puerto Rico, which was also paid by a lobbyist.” Well, no.
DeLay’s travels with Abramoff are indicative of the majority leader’s intimate friendship with one of the most corrupt corporate lobbyists Washington has seen in decades; no Democrat was so close to Abramoff.

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