Friday, July 08, 2005

It's about ten days after the fact, but I wanted to comment on several lines from Bush's June 28th speech on national TV (my comments in italics):
The terrorists who attacked us and the terrorists we face murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance and despises all dissent. (Here we have a link between 9/11 and Iraq -- despite GW himself stating for the record that there's no evidence of this link; a lie)
After September the 11th, I made a commitment to the American people: This nation will not wait to be attacked again. We will defend our freedom. We will take the fight to the enemy.
Iraq is the latest battlefield in this war. (But Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and had no terrorists. Nearly all of the terrorists were Saudi so we should've attacked Saudi Arabia, right?).
Our mission in Iraq is clear: We're hunting down the terrorists. (Well, no, the mission has been anything but clear. For one, it started with WMDs and then morphed into other missions, but also Iraq had no terrorists. Only after we invaded has it been a breeding ground for new terrorists -- which we now must hunt down.)
A little over a year ago, I spoke to the nation and described our coalition's goal in Iraq. I said that America's mission in Iraq is to defeat an enemy and give strength to a friend -- a free, representative government that is an ally in the war on terror and a beacon of hope in a part of the world that is desperate for reform. (That's bull. He originally said it was about WMDs, yellow cake, aluminum tubes, etc., and THAT'S how he got Congress to agree to the whole thing. If he simply made the case that he wanted to free Iraq from tyranny -- when so many other countries likewise deserve such liberation (North Korea, Iran, etc.), he would've got nowhere with Congress or the American people).
One year ago today, we restored sovereignty to the Iraqi people. In January 2005, more than 8 million Iraqi men and women voted in elections that were free and fair and took time on -- and took place on time. (He mentions a number, 8 million. Why no mention of the number of dead U.S. soldiers? More than 1700? No pictures allowed, no honoring, just silence.)
In the past year, the international community has stepped forward with vital assistance. Some 30 nations have troops in Iraq, and many others are contributing non-military assistance. (Name the 30 nations. Also, name how many have dropped out in the last two years.)

The United Nations is in Iraq to help Iraqis write a constitution and conduct their next elections. (Don't you just love how GW loves the UN now?!)
To complete the mission, we will continue to hunt down the terrorists and insurgents. (I thought it was "completed"? Recall the "Mission Accomplished" sign?)
The principal task of our military is to find and defeat the terrorists. And that is why we are on the offense. (By definition, implies finite, an end. As if we'll actually find and kill the last terrorist and then just leave. I suppose just like we'll hunt down and kill every last drug kingpin in the War on Drugs. Like Chuck Hagel says, this White House is disconnected from reality.)
We are building up Iraqi security forces as quickly as possible so they can assume the lead in defeating the terrorists and insurgents. (Because NOW Iraq has terrorists in the country.)
The new Iraqi security forces are proving their courage every day. More than 2,000 members of Iraqi security forces have given their lives in the line of duty. (Again, he states a number here but seems to refuse to mention the number (1700+) of U.S. soldiers that "have given their lives in the line of duty.")
We will stay in Iraq as long as we are needed and not a day longer. (Just idiotic and meaningless. Could mean three months or three decades.)
If our commanders on the ground say we need more troops, I will send them. But our commanders tell me they have the number of troops they need to do their job. (A lie. I've posted several quotes from military officials stating we're undermanned and have been so from the start.)
By taking these critical steps and meeting their deadlines, Iraqis will bind their multiethnic society together in a democracy that respects the will of the majority and protects minority rights. (Protects minority rights? Like our Congress that wishes to get rid of the filibuster??)
Before our coalition liberated Iraq, Libya was secretly pursuing nuclear weapons. Today the leader of Libya has given up his chemical and nuclear weapons programs. (Most of this was pre-9/11, much less Iraq, started by Clinton. Why doesn't GW take credit for the Berlin Wall falling?)
They are trying to shake our will in Iraq, just as they tried to shake our will on September 11, 2001. (Another (!) wrongful link between 9/11 and Iraq.)
In this war, we have lost good men and women who left our shores to defend freedom and did not live to make the journey home. (Why not state numbers, like he did for the Iraqis (2000)?)
I thank those of you who've re-enlisted in an hour when your country needs you. (Many had no choice, were coerced.)
We live in freedom because every generation has produced patriots willing to serve a cause greater than themselves. Those who serve today are taking their rightful place among the greatest generations that have worn our nation's uniform. (Let's compare Kerry's service to Bush's, or Cheney's, or Rove's. Galling.)
When the history of this period is written, the liberation of Afghanistan and the liberation of Iraq will be remembered as great turning points in the story of freedom. (We shall see. Given the Downing Street Memos and other sources of purposeful lies and deception, I have a feeling the history books will be filled with quite a different take on this shameful time in our lives.)
For more comments on the speech, go to

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