Thursday, January 26, 2006

From The Progress Report:
Despite the Department of Energy's projections that carbon emissions from the United States are expected to increase 37 percent by 2030, the Bush administration has still not "proposed any comprehensive plan to limit carbon emissions from vehicles, utilities and other sources." The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has reached 380 parts per million (ppm), 27 percent higher than anytime in the past 650,000 years; emissions in 2004 were 16 percent higher than the 1990 emissions levels. The Bush administration's actions on emissions have been woefully inadequate, even though the United States produces 25 percent of carbon dioxide pollution from fossil-fuel burning, more than the emissions of China, India, and Japan combined. But the states are stepping in where the Bush administration has stepped away, increasingly regulating energy use and emissions. Seven states have signed on a regional plan to restrict power plant emissions and 11 states have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, automobile tailpipe emissions requirements. "What is frustrating is that these things aren't being done on a national basis," said Maine Gov. John E. Baldacci (D).

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