Thursday, January 26, 2006

Surprisingly, from the Wall Street Journal (albeit the non-editorial page):
In 1960, the ratio of the average Fortune 500 CEO's pay to the U.S. president's salary was 2-to-1. Today, it is 30-to-1.

John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Markets, limits his pay to no more than 14 times the pay of his average employee. Mr. Mackey says, 'We have a philosophy of shared fate -- that we're in this together.'

Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch's original retirement package included floor-level seats at the New York Knicks, Grand Tier seating at the Metropolitan Opera, private waitstaff and monthly flower deliveries.

The average CEO's salary in the U.S. is 475 times greater than the average worker's salary. In Japan, it is 11 times greater; in France, 15 times; in Canada, 20; in South Africa, 21, and in Britain, 22

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