Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A terrific editorial in the May 8th New Republic, discussing the degree to which Bush is lame:
Often, it is difficult to know when a president has entered the state of political purgatory known as “lame duck” status. For this president, the question is no longer whether, but how lame....Our own qualitative analysis suggests that not since James Buchanan has a president been lamer....[Bush] has seen his agenda die from within, of its own accord. The last years of George W. Bush’s presidency are like watching a car resting on cement blocks in the front yard.
This was, after all, an administration plagued by flashes of lameness from the get-go. Back in August 2001, the Bushies had cut taxes and were on the verge of passing an education bill, at which point it was clear to anyone paying attention that the president was fresh out of ideas. Not long after, Bush’s poll numbers plummeted to historic lows. True, September 11 saved ambitious White House aides from enduring years of monotony at the Crawford ranch with only the odd pickup game of Old Maid to pass the time. But it couldn’t wash away the fact that our big-ideas president had remarkably few of them — and that they were all pretty lousy to boot. (Whatever happened to that mission to Mars?)
After this November’s midterm elections, the Bushies will be one of the most pathetic species in the popular imagination: a collection of political sharpies with no more campaigns to scheme over....Maybe they’ll still trot out some of their favorite tricks for old time’s sake — say, a constitutional amendment counting a gay voter as three-fifths of a straight voter, or a campaign accusing Democrats of operating a secret terrorist cell from the House cafeteria. But their hearts won’t
be in it....Should the Democrats retake Congress, the end of the Bush era will consist of little more than fending off subpoenas and inventing new ways to say, “I don’t recall.”
The next 900+ days don't just appear agonizingly long, but also very scary, indeed. These guys are power drunkards and we've seen over the last six years that they're capable of and willing to do anything, anything, to maintain power.

Wake up people! Lying about intel, stoking the fear card, outing CIA agents, suppressing voters, distorting science and facts -- you ain't seen nothing yet!


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