Tuesday, August 01, 2006

  • "Rick Santorum has reached a new low in gutter politics by trying to ridiculously link Bob Casey to terrorists."

  • Mel Gibson: "Fucking Jews … The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"

  • More of the the New Federalism (i.e. states giving the finger to GW) and beyond (I've been documenting this trend here for months; everyday I come across examples of states deviating from Bush Inc. and deciding their own fate.... Soon the likes of California will govern itself like a mini-nation).

  • Dems united regarding Iraq pullout.

  • More David Brooks idiocy....

  • "Tar baby": first Tony Snow uses, now Republican Gov. Mitch Romney -- which Republican is next?

  • Regarding Rumsfeld: "He seems literally in a parallel universe and slightly deranged." That's just what we need now given all that's occurring in the world, a psycho Sec. of Defense....

  • Daily video segments....
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