Wednesday, October 11, 2006

From the Washington Post, "Since George W. Bush became president, North Korea has restarted its nuclear reactor and increased its stock of weapons-grade plutonium, so it may now have enough for 10 or 11 weapons, compared with one or two when Bush took office."

And yet Steve Benen notes that John McCain decides to play politics and criticizes Bill Clinton's North Korean policy. In response, Benen writes,
Right, Clinton's policy was a 'failure.' That would be the policy that led to no new North Korean nuclear weapons, on-site U.N. weapons inspectors, IAEA cameras, and an easing of tensions? Maybe John McCain can explain something to us — if Clinton's policy was a "failure," how exactly should we describe Bush's policy?
Let's see, under Bush's watch, and following a foreign policy embraced enthusiastically by Republicans in Congress, North Korea has dramatically increased its weapons material stockpiles, withdrew from the Non Proliferation Treaty, threw out U.N. weapons inspectors, tested numerous missiles, and detonated a bomb. All of things the president said he would not allow to happen, have happened.

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