Friday, October 20, 2006

Recall how heinous Clinton's relationship with Monica was to the GOP ("what will the children think?!"). They were red-faced livid. And yet here we have GW meeting with an admitted adulterer:
During National Character Counts Week, Bush Stumps for Philanderer

So it has come to this: Nineteen days before the midterm elections, President Bush flew here to champion the reelection of a congressman who last year settled a $5.5 million lawsuit alleging that he beat his mistress during a five-year affair.

"I'm pleased to be here with Don Sherwood," a smiling president told the congressman's loyal but dispirited supporters at a luncheon fundraiser Thursday. "He has got a record of accomplishment."
Uh, calling on the Christian right, hello, anyone out there? No harsh words for this incredible act of hypocrisy??

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