Friday, January 26, 2007

Imagine if Clinton was still president....

And he was responsible for the decision to invade Iraq and all the incompetence that went with it, taking a budget surplus and allowing it to be frittered away into a deficit, bungling Katrina and New Orleans and its reconstruction, presiding over an administration riddled with corruption and liars, making it a habit to attach hundreds of signing statements to bills signed into law, being caught using a secret eavesdropping program, approving of torture resulting in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, allowing Afghanistan to be heavily run by Al Qaida once again, failing to find Osama bin Laden after 5+ years, refusing to admit mistakes, repeatedly mispronouncing words, proposing this last-ditch effort tagged a "surge" (which very much resembles Germany's orchestrated Battle of the Bulge in WWII, a desperate attempt to reverse the failing course of events, only to backfire with many dead)....

Just imagine the GOP reaction.

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