Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dan Froomkin writes about the lack of a Plan B for Iraq, or an alternative course of action if the "surge" fails:

Given how Bush's previous plans in Iraq have failed -- and given his continued insistence that failure is "not an option" lest Iraq become a safe haven for terrorists -- it would have been entirely appropriate for the press corps to repeatedly, if not incessantly, demand answers to those two critical questions.

That didn't happen. And after a while, the stunning illogic of there being no apparent Plan B and no credible leverage with the Iraqis became just another inexplicable and yet almost entirely unmentioned part of the backstory.

Forget the fact that Bush has already tried several plans in Iraq, so Plan B now is really more like Plan J. Also leave aside the question of who or what will categorically decide that this latest plan has failed. I mean, would Bush or Cheney ever state it has failed?

But to fight a war with no alternative scenarios or game plans at the ready is insane. Such stubborn short-sightedness contributed to what doomed the British in the Revolutionary War. Their insistence on sticking with tradition and what they knew, attacking in straight-line, row-like formation, made it easy for them to be shot like ducks in a barrel. No flexibility, no Plan B, just certain death.

It's also equivalent to a football team coming into the game with a detailed plan, and at some point in the first quarter realizing it wasn't going to work. The successful teams quickly make adjustments. The bad ones I suppose end up behaving like this current administration.

Conservative pundit Andrew Sullivan frets, "My fear is that Bush has not thought this through. There is no plan B because his rigid, incurious mind doesn’t have the dexterity to entertain it. The fundamentalist psyche doesn’t like paradox or nuance."

Yes, Bush is conservative -- insofar as conserving brain cells.

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