Thursday, March 08, 2007

In Newsweek:

The president has since indicated he intended to go by the book in granting what few pardons he’d hand out—considering only requests that had first been reviewed by the Justice Department under a series of publicly available guidelines.

Those regulations, which are discussed on the Justice Department Web site at, would seem to make a Libby pardon a nonstarter in George W. Bush’s White House. They “require a petitioner to wait a period of at least five years after conviction or release from confinement (whichever is later) before filing a pardon application,” according to the Justice Web site.

Look for GW to make an exception. And at that point, sometime late next year, what will he care how it looks. His disgraceful legacy will have already been set in stone, his time in office riddled with unethical behavior so no big shakes to commit one more unseemly act for the guy who bit the bullet for him.

It would be just one more filthy move in a series of many. Also I recall his father making a few questionable pardons (Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, and others involved in Iran-Contra).

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