Monday, June 11, 2007

Regarding the no-confidence in Gonzo resolution, Steve Benen wrote about the words of longtime DoJ employee Dan Metcalfe, who stated, “I think the way in which the firings themselves were handled was abominable, the way in which the ensuing controversy was handled was abysmal, and the way in which Gonzales has handled himself is absolutely appalling. As a long-term Justice Department official, I am embarrassed and increasingly incensed that he is still in there.”

Benen wrote, "Everyone in the Senate chamber, regardless of party or intellect, knows that Metcalfe’s perspective is a) accurate; b) frightening; and c) common among career officials at the DoJ. To vote against the no-confidence resolution is to endorse the indefensible status quo."

Well, 38 voted for the indefensible. Click here to see the names and how they voted. Print it out and save. If you are in a state that has a senator who voted "No" to this resolution, please seriously consider not voting for this person when up for re-election. In all honesty, how could you?

Oh, and notice Lieberman voted "No". It's one thing for him to claim he is with Bush and the Republicans when it comes to Iraq, but the sheer incompetence and likely law-breaking ways of Gonzales are a bit removed from anything directly involved with Iraq. How can Lieberman possibly defend this vote? Even seven Republicans had enough sense to vote the other way.

One of those Republicans being Sen. Arlen Specter. However, Specter first came out saying he hoped this resolution was not some partisan attempt to embarrass Bush, but went on to say, "If you ask Arlen Specter, do I have confidence in Attorney General Gonzales, the answer is a resounding no. I'm going to vote that I have no confidence in Attorney General Gonzales."

OK, so Specter qualifies as "I didn't like the resolution before I voted for it."

Meanwhile, on Olbermann's Countdown tonight, Howard Fineman said this resolution was a "largely inside the beltway issue that is...too abstract for most people to be following." Fineman then said, "But it is significant enough for those senators who are up for re-election, those Republicans in those swing states, to be cautious."

What the hell is Fineman saying exactly? That the public at large is just too dumb to follow this issue, much less care about it, but for some reason the citizens in purple-ish states are smart enough and care enough to make the issue matter? Just nonsensical, downright stupid reasoning.

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