Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The examples of just how bad this administration is never stop appearing. We've recently been treated to the fake FEMA press conference, and now we learn of the top official in Washington whose job is to protect the consumer has been imploring Congress to not pass legislation that would strengthen her agency.

Yes, Nancy Nord has more than once requested that Congress reject increasing funding for the Consumer Product Safety Commission -- this despite the rapid rise in product recalls given issues with China. Wow, a government person rejecting increased funding to expand power -- how admirable.

I suppose it has nothing to do with her prior life at Eastman Kodak, where she looked out for that company legally. Yeah, she's not looking to protect the corporate backers of this administration. No, I believe what she says, that the additional money would "get in the way" of her agency's ability to do its job.

Exactly. More people, more enforcement, more fines, more protection for the consumer, i.e. all things she believes are not the job of the agency.

How many more days of this administration must we endure?

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