Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rick "Anyone But McCain" Santorum flip-flops and endorses McCain.

Santorum always liked to brag about his principles, how he stood above politics and looked to just do what he felt was right. In the end, that was all just complete bullsh*t. He's just as much a party-affiliated hack as anyone else in Washington.

I mean c'mon, the guy's on record saying, "I don’t agree with him [McCain] on hardly any issues." If that's the case, Santorum always had the option of simply not publicly endorsing McCain, staying silent. The fact he felt compelled to do otherwise, despite disagreeing with McCain on almost every issue, further emphasizes how few principles Man-On-Dog Rick really has.

It's par for the course. McCain is anything but Mr. Straight Talk Express, Santorum is anything but Mr. Diehard Principles.

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