Sunday, September 28, 2008

  • From business / finance magazine Portfolio, a hearty endorsement for Obama: "But all told, one candidate offers a more realistic plan for enhancing both the domestic economy and the competitiveness of this country. And that is why we believe Barack Obama should be our next president."

  • In same magazine we find California's Ahnold waxing on about a sensible energy policy -- and sounding a good deal like a Democrat....

  • Dick Polman writes about the dumbing-down of politics in America, thanks to the GOP. He of course mentions Sarah Palin, but goes on to make clear, "Palin, however, is merely the latest beneficiary in the national celebration of mediocrity, much like one of those early-round American Idol entrants who wins insta-fame for being Just Like Us. Lest we forget, the lame-duck administration in Washington has long been dumbing down the standards for public service, by seeking to elevate the ill-qualified to positions of authority." Polman then lists several illustrious names that have held positions within the Bush administration, most of which have been long gone due to their ineptness. It's as if we've embraced George Costanza's method for seeking talent: recall the Seinfeld episode when he interviews candidates for Susan's foundation and dismisses the brightest contenders for the fella who has a solid 2.0 GPA, right in the "meaty part of the curve." Gads.

  • In fact, if Palin was the choice of the GOP base, what the *^&% does that say about the base? Even McCain must've winced and shuddered a bit when he made her the offer....

  • Assuming McCain could conceivably win this thing, I at least once thought that he was going through the motions to appease whoever and whatever just to get in the White House, and then he'd immediately take a long shower and rid himself of all the necessary baggage he had to woo for the past 12-18 months. Something tells me this will no longer be the case....

  • Oh look, Forbes has Paul Johnson, a 100% non-scientist, calling global warming "nonsense." This from a guy who apparently defended Nixon's actions in Watergate and believes it paled compared to Clinton's perjury concerning consensual sex.
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