Friday, December 31, 2010

Another snow storm, another round of sarcastic wise cracks from the right, poking fun at those who would dare suggest that the planet is heating up. Why, we have a foot of snow on the ground in many parts of the country, how could it possibly be that Earth is warming? Those silly scientists, all they need to do is look around and read the newspapers.

Does it get any dumber? Many countries experience flash floods -- but then still continue to have droughts. Short-term events versus long-term trends. It's all just embarassing at this point and shame on anyone who falls for this load of crap. As I've written several times before on this blog, and just last month, global warming and climate change are very complex, or at least more complex than the dim-bulb crowd will lead you to believe.

As Dr. Peter Gleick states:
Record snowfall is not an indicator of a lack of global warming, as has been pointed out in the scientific literature and many, many rounds of Congressional testimony. It merely means that there was a storm and temperatures were close to or below freezing. Indeed global warming can contribute to greater snowfalls by providing extra moisture. Many scientists testifying before the Senate and House of Representatives have explained the difference between a steadily warming planet and occasional extreme cold events in particular spots. But we can expect to see more examples of this kind of B.S. when it gets cold and snowy somewhere, sometime, this winter.
And from conservative David Frum's web site, a quote from Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC):
People who make a lot of money on talk radio and talk TV say a lot of things. They slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night, and they’re experts on climate change. They substitute their judgment for people who have Ph.D.s and work tirelessly [on climate change].
Maybe in 2011 we'll see more Republicans convert to the side of reason and science, before it's too late.



  1. "Maybe in 2011 we'll see more Republicans convert to the side of reason and science, before it's too late."

    I wouldn't count on it, but we can always dream...

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Ah, the brilliance of the American liberal: It's getting really cold and the country is in the midst of severe cold weather, so it's obviously a product of global warm...errr, climate change (isn't that what you are calling it now?)

    Pat Riot

  3. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "Maybe in 2011 we'll see more Republicans convert to the side of reason and science, before it's too late."

    Ah yes, science...

    Dinosaurs were cold-blooded and had scaly skin. No, wait...they were warm blooded and some had feathers.

    The earth is cooling (1970's), no, it's warming (1980's), no...

    There are rocks that are millions of degrees just a few miles under the earth's surface (Al Gore).

    This or that causes cancer...blah, blah, blah.

    It's a shame when "science" is so wishy washy and politically driven.

    Pat Riot

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "Climate change"?? I thought it was "global warming"? Are you having to change the title of your fairy tale to suit your agenda?

    Ima Skeptik
