Monday, February 27, 2017

The GOP must be held to account

If I read or hear one more Republican "confess" that Trump is awful, or that they didn't think he'd be this bad, my head is going to explode.

It's become, and has been, too easy to just criticize Trump. Of course, he deserves it. But how did he get here? Who is responsible? He didn't just waltz into the White House with no help from anyone else.

And who helped him (besides Putin and Comey)? Yes, the Republican Party.

Please just watch or listen to this video, from minute mark 3:20 to 10:00, less than 7 minutes. The great Sam Seder reiterates what I've been saying for some time now. The GOP must be held to account for Trump. They are his enablers. Sam quotes Mitch McConnell saying Trump is basically doing what a President Jeb Bush, Rubio or Romney would be doing now anyway -- and I agree. Oh sure, they wouldn't be as blatantly crazy, but they'd be appointing the same appointees, nominating the same judges, endorsing the same policy, etc. Just not with the tweeting or fly-away hair. 

Sam says he predicted Trump would be both a GOP rubber stamp and a loose cannon. But imo, the key is that he is a GOP rubber stamp. Why? Because McConnell & Co. can tolerate an insane babbling orange man in the White House as long as he is signing bills and legislation that they want passed. If Trump went completely rogue and was not doing what they wished, then you'd very likely see McConnell & Co. work to greatly diminish Trump, to curb him or force him to act and say as they want. You know, much like Russia seems to have long ago figured out how to do. 

So Sam's right, the media has to make the GOP account for their choice to be president. The Republican Party are the bad parents directly responsible for this boorish, obnoxious, unhinged man-child.

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