Monday, January 22, 2018

Who's to blame for the government shutdown?

I would argue -- as Sen. Graham apparently does -- that Trump's staff (specifically John Kelly and Stephen Miller) is to blame for this shutdown, and therefore ultimately Trump himself.

It's my understanding that more than one bipartisan compromise has been presented to Trump, and given he's an awful negotiator AND has no real strong policy beliefs, he was ready to go with any of these compromises -- BUT Kelly and/or Miller convinced him to decline. Both are immigration hawks, but more so they likely reminded Trump that compromise would not go over well with "his base." 

And if there's one thing we can learn from his one-year in office, Trump will do anything to appease or please his "base" supporters. 

Just another lie when he said, "I will be president for all Americans." Nah, more like 30%-35% of Americans.

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