Tuesday, July 06, 2004

It's official: John "Boy" selected as VP!

Kerry has chosen John Edwards as his VP. No real surprise here, or if anything the surprise is that there's no surprise (that he didn't pick Hillary, McCain, etc.). Some may quickly judge that Kerry's played it safe: going with the #2 guy during the primary season, appealing to the South, son of a mill worker and a populist (offsetting Kerry's super rich wife), youthful looking, etc. I ask: can you blame him? With Bush's poll numbers scraping the bottom, and with no immediate signs of this changing, why should Kerry have rocked the boat with a more eye-raising pick?

Let's face it, Kerry's real VP "pick" heading into November is the Bush/Cheney ticket! Sure, Edwards will do just fine and serve to enhance Kerry's chances, but make no mistake the idiot tandem currently in office continue to do wonders for Kerry's campaign.

Also, with Edwards chosen, chalk up another accurate selection by the market forces. As I wrote here on June 13th:

I was just watching CSPAN and I saw Sen. Bill Nelson introducing the featured speaker, John Edwards. Before Edwards came out, Nelson had somewhat oddly referred to gambling, stating that the bookies felt Edwards would win the VP nod setting his odds at a very low 6 to 5 (or near even money). I must say that I greatly respect the opinions of bookies (they're not in the business of losing) and I also respect the opinion of the free market. I did check Nelson's figures and by gosh, he was right. I would say Edwards is the clear front runner at this point.

Granted, Gore shocked many when he picked Lieberman. But I would "wager" that Kerry has greatly learned from the Gore campaign and I don't believe he'll try to mimic much of it

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