Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The right is out with warmed-over criticism concerning Edwards as VP. The two phrases I’ve heard most often are “too inexperienced” and “light on foreign relations.” Let’s look at both of these compared to their guy, GW. Regarding the first item, when running against Gore, I don’t recall Bush blowing people away with his years of experience in political life?! If anything, they tried to frame his lack of political experience as a plus (he’s not a Washington insider, etc.). Now of course, they reverse course concerning Edwards.

As for Edwards not having the international chops to cut it given the country is at war, that’s just absolute nonsense. One could make the case that GW had even less experience in this area than Edwards -- when George was running for President no less (not the #2 slot). That said, Kerry more than makes up for any perceived deficiency on this front, and frankly, given the abysmal job this administration has done concerning anything international, how could any competing ticket be worse?

Continue to look for more lame salvos to come out against Edwards. Example: they’ll try to portray Edwards as beholden to trial lawyers, but is there any worse such picture of a top official in the pocket of another entity than that of Cheney and Halliburton? Kerry/Edwards should be drooling for that canard to be launched!

The Bush/Cheney/Rove operation is desperate and growing more so with each passing week.

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