Friday, October 29, 2004

Hypocrisy! (again)

USA Today reports NAACP in potential trouble due to anti-Bush comments:
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is reviewing the tax-exempt status of the nation's oldest civil rights organization, saying criticism of President Bush at the NAACP's national convention in July may have violated rules against partisan activity.

In a letter dated Oct. 8, the IRS said it had "received information" that NAACP Chairman Julian Bond "condemned the administration policies of George W. Bush on education, the economy and the war in Iraq" in a July 11 speech.

Fine, investigate away IRS. HOWEVER, what about Jerry Falwell? Recall I wrote about this on Sept. 30th. He, and other religious organizations, have been (for years) overtly vocal about supporting Bush -- where's the in-kind investigation(s)? Oh, right, I get it, he's for Bush, and that makes it A-OK.

Yup, fast on our way to becoming a banana republic....

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