Saturday, March 24, 2007

About a week ago, I wrote regarding McCain, "...rumors swirl that he'll eventually be forced to drop out of the race, with staff exiting and financial support waning."

Yesterday on Rolling Stone's blog, "Sources have been telling me John McCain’s got money troubles, but this email to supporters yesterday sounds downright desperate. Pleading for max donations in advance of the FEC quarterly report is not what’ frontrunners do…"

It's sort of sad. When McCain stayed true to his message, he got shredded by the lunatic extreme in his party. This time around, he attempts to make peace with the extremists by flip-flopping to their liking, only to be rejected. Looks like he's 0-2.

Given his age, he's done. It's one thing to have your party spurn you for what you truly believe in, it's another when you prostitute your positions to better fit the party and they spurn you again.

Again, it's over.

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