Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Are You $%#& Kidding Me?

Michael Flynn resigns. Read the many stories on why he resigned. Now imagine Hillary Clinton as president under these circumstances.

What do you see? Non-stop alarm by Republicans, and their call for many investigations? Fox News going apoplectic about the scandal and likely treason? The "mainstream media" playing all of this up to be the worst start to a presidency in our history??

Yeah, but Trump is president, and instead we have seen nothing remotely close to this response.

I would say "incredible" if it was actually, but it's not. The Republican Party is so twisted in its hypocrisy it's no longer shocking or hard to believe. Instead, it's what we've come to expect from a group of people who have completely checked their morals (and bravery) at the door as the price of admission. To be honest and upstanding are qualities that will sh*t-can you out the door faster than you can say "Reagan was the greatest president."

I don't know how a Republican can remain a Republican with a straight face, assuming said person is sane and not in denial. The problem is too many are not, i.e. they're insane and in complete denial.

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