Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Bigger than Watergate"

With this recent Russia scandal, Democrats are reportedly saying it's worse than Watergate.

But those are just words. The Republicans were able to apply extreme pressure and initiate several investigations on Benghazi (amounting to zilch). The key word here: tenacity. Republicans are tenacious in their political ambition and audacity. The Democrats not so much....

So let's see how things progress with this outrageous and alarming controversy concerning Trump's collusion with Russia. If Benghazi warranted eight investigative hearings, how many does this scandal warrant? Twelve? Twenty?

It's all up to the Democrats. We know the Republicans will look to sweep this under the rug, to move on expeditiously as if nothing happened. Will the Democrats be as tenacious and relentless as the Republicans have been towards MUCH less? Unfortunately I remain very skeptical. Democrats are too often all bark, no bite. They'll say much and sound tough, but in the end not much happens.

Let me be clear:

1) This is potentially a VERY serious matter.
2) It's been all but served up to the Democrats on a silver platter.
3) Will the Democrats just let this go? Will they do their usual, go on TV talk shows, use harsh language, then after a few days all is forgotten?
4) Republicans are likely banking on that -- and frankly I can't blame them, given past history.

Look, if Hillary was in the White House under these circumstances, impeachment hearings would already be occurring! Yes, I understand the Democrats are not in the majority, but did that ever stop Republicans when they were in the minority? Please.

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